Touriva Download Portal

All the latest Touriva related file and wallet downloads.

Latest Touriva Wallets

DON'T LEAVE YOUR COINS ON EXCHANGES! Grab a wallet and keep your coins safe!


The Windows QT wallet is the perfect way to store your Touriva Coins. It also enables you to setup Touriva Masternodes.

Download Windows


The macOS QT wallet is the perfect way to store your Touriva Coins. It also enables you to setup Touriva Masternodes.

Download MacOS

Ubuntu 18.04

The Ubuntu 18.04 QT wallet is the perfect way to store your Touriva Coins. It also enables you to setup Touriva Masternodes.

Download Ubuntu


Github is the place where we collaborate and upgrade the Touriva Source code you can also find older releases and versions here.

Go to Github

Alternative Downloads

need a specific file to repair your wallet or a bootstrap for the latest Touriva blocks? Bootstraps are made every 12 hours to make sure we can always deliver an up to date version to minimze the time you need to wait for your wallet to sync.

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